Advance Care Planning Tools & Resources

Talking About Advance Care Planning

Sudden changes in your life, such as being involved in an accident or becoming seriously ill, can be hard to prepare for. There are ways to consider, express, and document the type of care and medical treatment you want in such a crisis before it happens – this process is called "advance care planning."

The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) encourages you to talk to your loved ones now about your wishes for medical care and treatment in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself. Planning ahead for future medical needs allows for the best chance that your wishes will be respected.

If you’re not sure how to have these difficult conversations, don’t know where to begin or what form to use, here are some resources that can assist you:

Conversation Tools

Advance Directive Forms

Advance Directive FAQs/Instructions

POLST: Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

Healthcare Agents and Surrogate Decision Makers

Decision-Making Capacity

Related Laws and Regulation

Recursos Sobre Directivas Adelantadas De Atención De La Salud

Advance Care Planning: Reimbursable Under Medicare
